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This is Celee's story, told to me by Frances. 'In May 2003 we bred our precious Siamese Grand Champion Abicasa Celeste Aida (aka Celee). She was awarded Best of Variety Siamese Kitten at the Supreme Cat show in November 2003. She then went on to become a Champion followed by Grand Champion and was Overall Best Siamese exhibit at many shows during 2004.
Then at the height of her show career she became gravely ill with mediastinal lymphoma. She was rushed to the Animal Health Trust on a drip and after many tests she was declared strong enough to undergo chemotherapy. This was her only chance of life. After 6 months of very unpleasant treatment during which she lost a lot of weight and all her whiskers she was in complete remission and fought so hard to stay alive. She beat this cancer and lived happily with no symptoms until the age of 9 years when she died of unrelated medical problems. She was quite simply the most adorable cat we have ever known and loved everyone who came to visit and she never stopped purring and chatting away to them. Both we and our vet, who saw her so regularly for her chemotherapy, miss her gorgeous little face. She was a one-off who can never be replaced and will always be remembered. We are so pleased to have this lovely painting of her watching us'.