This is Angus who used to be the companion to Lez Graham, a Dog Behaviour Specialist and Gundog Trainer, but is sadly no longer with us. Lez told me 'I brought Angus back from NZ with me in 2007 and he didn’t travel very well, bless him. I used to do competition obedience with him but he got upset by a judge one day and picked up the dumbbell with his eyes closed... I retired him there and then as decided to work him to the gun, as I did with my black labrador. You’ll not believe (or maybe you will) the amount of stick I got for working Angus... too old to train, too blonde, too big, too showy... you name it, I got it. At one point I was even recommended to rehome him as he was, in all honesty a ‘bit of a blonde’. However he went on to excel and was so steady we used him as a calming influence on young dogs that went shooting. I entered him (out of sheer badness) in the BASC working gundog ring at Crufts in 2013 and he came 3rd! He also came into schools with me to teach children dog safety and help those who were scared of dogs relax around them... Unfortunately we lost him to bloat in the August, aged 8 – we left him at the kennels on the Thursday fit and healthy and he died the next day... I wrote a couple of articles about him for Dogs Monthly... so quite a famous boy, loved by everyone who knew him' There is a link to Lez's website in the links page on my site, thank you Lez